tokyo disney store duffy

Duffy is an exclusive Tokyo Disney Sea character, so he's only found in Japan. This is the Duffy store in Tokyo Disney Sea~

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  • Duffy is an exclusive Tokyo Disney Sea character, so he's only found in Japan. This is...
    Tokyo Disney Sea - Duffy Store - YouTube ...
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  • Duffy & ShellieMay Store 日本精品專門店. 3.2K likes. 本店為大家送上各款Duffy & ShellieMay 公仔,服飾同精品...
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  • 結果 進了迪士尼 發現人手一隻Duffy或Shellie May 我還一度懷疑是不是Land也有賣達菲熊!!! 認真找了找 後來才確定 Land真的沒有賣達菲熊 連出了Land 往...
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